Proposal for IICM Extension Centers
 in Third World Countries
(Name of the City ____________& the Country___________)


1. Name of the Director

2. Educational Qualifications

3. The name of the city/state & country in which this center will be operated

4. Email Id.

5. Types of IICM Centers

# Specifications Type a Type b Type c
1 Average minimum Monthly Enrollment 100 & above 99-50 49-25
2 Monthly Average minimum Revenue $400,000 $200,000 $100,000
3 Monthly operational budget 40%
4 Monthly Surplus Revenue 60%
5 a. Expenditure to setup & operate an office $40,000 $30,000 $20,000
b. Operating Budget
     i. Rent & Utilities $20,000 $10,000 $5,000
     ii. Office Supplies & expenses $20,000 $10,000 $5,000
     iii. Salary $40,000 $20,000 $10,000
     iv. P & P $40,000 $20,000 $10,000
7 Probationary Period 6 months with the right to terminate at any time by settling the accounts with us in full. Any amount invested will not be refunded.
8 Weekly & Monthly Report

Will be required on the last day

9 Initial investment or condition to be met An amount equal to the proposed monthly budget  (2 or more persons can jointly invest this amount and serve as board members)

6. If the average monthly revenue is different from what is expected of the Extension Centers in the classification of a, b or c types, the distribution of the revenue will be in the same proportion or percentages as indicated above whether it is higher or lower.

7. When once we approve an IICM Extension Center to operate in a particular City and Country, through an agreement we will publish it in our website to operate as an authorized IICM Extension Center, after 12 months of successful operation.

8. The IICM Centers will have the authority to represent themselves as such within the limitations of the policies of IICM and the terms and conditions of the agreement.

9. Every week a remittance of the part of the revenue  that should go to the IICM headquarters should be sent as per our agreement, with a report indicating
         a. Names of Students enrolled
         b. Degree Program in which enrolled
         c. Amount of Fees paid etc.

10. The degree certificate will be issued by IICM Educational Trust, India or IICM Inc., Florida, USA, after all the requirements are successfully completed by the students and so certified by the Director of the IICM Extension Center.