"Anointing" Internet Magazine of IICM
November 2008


IICM International Internet Bible College
A Division of International Institute of Church Management Inc., FL, USA
Founder/President: Patriarch Rev. Dr. John Williams
IICM Internet/Correspondence Bible College
A Division of IICM Educational Trust, Chennai, India)
Founder: Patriarch Rev. Dr. John Williams
President: Cardinal Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan

The following Accredited Theological Degree Programs are offered
by Internet, Correspondence & through Campus
in English, Tamil & several Indian and Foreign Languages
B.Min., B.Th., B.D., B.B.S., B.C.L., B.C.M.,
M.Min.,M.Th., M.Div., M.B.S., M.C.L., M.C.M.,
D.D., D.Min., Th.D., S.T.D. or Ph.D.(in Church Management, Christian Leadership, Ministry, Biblical Studies etc)
& M.B.A. (in Management of Non-profit  Religious Orgn., Bible College Administration, Church Management, Christian Leadership etc.

Indian IICM Website: http://www.iicmindia.org
International IICM Website: http://www.iicmweb.org

Email id: iicm@aol.com & iicmweb@iicm.us


IICM  International Ministry Programs & Projects
Founder/President: Patriarch (Rev. Dr.) John Williams


1. International Christian Church, 
Plymouth, PA, USA
238-240, West Main Street, Plymouth,
PA 18651, USA


(Weekly Services & Programs as posted on the
Notice Board outside the Church and mentioned in our
 Brochure & website)

2. A Special Monthly Internet Article
by Dr. John Williams
'"Having an Encounter with God "

3. Int'l Internet
 Theological Degree Courses,
offered by IICM Inc, Florida, USA, through Internet
 and  IICM Educational Trust, Chennai, INDIA
through Internet & Correspondence
    (Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates) as mentioned in our website.

You may enroll  in

B.Min., B.Th., B.D., B.B.S., B.C.L., B.C.M.,
M.Min.,M.Th., M.Div., M.B.S., M.C.L., M.C.M.,
D.D., D.Min., Th.D., S.T.D. or Ph.D.
in Biblical Studies, Theology, Ministry, Church Management, Christian Leadership etc.

offered through IICM , Bible College Florida, USA (for US Degree) and
IICM Educational Trust, Chennai, INDIA (for Indian Degree through
IICM Indian Bible College, Tambaram,
Chennai, India)
Fill out the Online Application Form and send it to us by email.

click here to view the
October 2008 Convocation Photos



4. IICM International Speakers Bureau
All  IICM Alumni, Current Students, Life Time Members & other Associates
may give us their names with short details about their Ministry Background with a photo
indicating  their Areas of Specialty for giving Messages, Lectures and Seminars,
mentioning the preferred Countries as well as States in India,
for doing Ministry when opportunities arise or when we are invited to minister.
Please note that any given time, we have scores of Invitations from around the world
to speak in Pastors & Leaders Seminars,  Gospel Meetings, Crusades etc.

 5. Awarding Honorary Degrees
LL.D., D.Hum., D.Litt., D.D., D.Min. or Ph.D. in Ministry
Bachelor of Ministry or Master of Ministry

 You may nominate someone to send their bio-data or even send your own bio-data 
with a photo, giving details of your ministry, for consideration for awarding an
Honorary Doctorate from IICM
by email to iicm@aol.com, iicm@iicm.us
Degrees will be conferred in our monthly Convocation Service
 on the last Saturday of the month or can be received in-absentia.
Details about the requirements to be completed will be furnished upon request.


6. Establishing and Operating Franchise Extension Centers
for IICM Bible College & Theological University, FL, USA, or
IICM Educational Trust., Chennai, INDIA,
in any City of the World,  preferably  through Internet,
or through Correspondence, On-Campus Bible School,
the following Theological Degree Programs can be offered:

B.Min., B.Th., B.D.,B.C.L., B.C.M.,
M.Min., M.Th., M.Div., M.C.L., M.C.M.,
D.Min., .Th.D., D.D.,S.T.D., D.C.L., D.C.M., and
(in Biblical Studies, Ministry, Church Management, Christian Leadership)
Upon request, we will send you a sample Franchise Agreement Form.


7.  Providing Remunerative Ministry Opportunities to serve as
a Bishop,  Arch-Bishop or Cardinal of IICM
 in any City, State or Country respectively or as
Rep., Adjunct Faculty, State Director of Alumni Association etc.

We need Spiritual Leaders with titles and designations as mentioned above  in every City and State,
all over the world, to help serve IICM and to participate in our
Seminars, Conferences & Convocation Services on behalf of IICM,
with the privilege of using this special Spiritual Title/Designation
wherever appropriate in your Ministry in general.
As IICM Ministries continues to grow throughout the world, you may also
have to serve IICM in a Spiritual and Administrative  capacity,
and oversee and  participate in the ministry events of IICM,
conducted within the Geographic area, over which  you are given jurisdiction
 (by Speaking in our Church Services, Gospel Meetings, Conferences, Crusades, Pastors' Seminars etc.)  whenever we are not able to participate from our National and World Head Quarters, provided you are free to minister on behalf of IICM, and also to Award Degrees in our Convocation Services, Consecrate Bishops and Arch Bishops, Speak in Alumni Association Meetings etc. 
You will be given a contribution  for the services rendered on behalf of IICM
 in this capacity.

8 . Getting Spiritually and Organizationally connected with IICM

Life Time Membership
IICM Alumni Association Membership
Affiliation of your Church or Ministry

Accreditation of your Bible School

You may contact us by sending your bio-data and a photo, through an email to iicm@aol.com
 for more information, if you should be interested in any of the services provided by us

9. International Christian Leadership Training Programs
will be conducted in our church in Plymouth, PA, USA,
during the last week, in the months of April - October 2009.                        (During this time Approved Candidates will be Ordained , Consecrated as Bishops etc. and Conferred Earned or Honorary Theological Degrees

During this week 
a Special Advanced Christian Leadership & Management Training Program
will be conducted in our Church Premises,
 in Plymouth, Pennsylvania, USA
(which is accessible from New York City in 3 hours by bus or
by a flight to the International Airport in Scranton, Int'l Airport in PA, USA

Details are given in our website  http://www.iicmweb.org     
You may also send us an Email for Details &  Registration Fees etc: iicm@aol.com

You may nominate suitable candidates for this Honor  and
to Serve in this Capacity by sending the Bio-data and the Photo of the candidates


10. You may receive a 
Bachelors, Masters & Doctorate in Ministry

from the IICM Open Bible University
which is a division of the IICM Inc., Florida, U.S.A.
& IICM Educational Trust, Chennai, India

There will be an Open Bible Exam
 on the day preceding the Monthly IICM Pastors Conference.
If you pass this test, and an oral examination, you will be conferred the Degree
for which you take the exam, in the Graduation Service held
on the next day along with other graduates.
For further details you may send your bio-data and a photo to iicm@aol.com
indicating the degree for which you want to take the exam


11. You may serve as a Rep for IICM,
and recruit students for any Theological Degree Program offered by
IICM Theological Bible College, Fl, USA or
IICM Educational Trust, Chennai, INDIA,
and to serve  IICM  in a variety of ways for which services you will be Remunerated
You may send your bio-data to the following email id iicm@aol.com
For every student recruited in a Degree Program of IICM, through your efforts
 you will be given a contribution of 10%
of the contributions received from such students,
and for other services rendered you will be remunerated appropriately.

In order to become an Official Rep. of IICM,
if you have not already connected with IICM in some capacity
you should become a Life Time Member of IICM
by paying Rs.1000 if you live in India
or U.S. $ 100  if you live anywhere outside of India


12. Refundable Contribution in multiples of
Rs.50,000 or Rs.1,00,000

which is equivalent to U.S.$ 1250 or U.S. $ 2500 is needed immediately
from the Partners, Directors and well-wishers of IICM
for Capital Expenditure such as buying equipment, printing Books etc.

(This amount may be sent to us through a foreign Draft drawn in favor of
"IICM Educational Trust" and have it mailed to
IICM, 240, RubyTower, Selaiyur, Velachery Main Road, Chennai 600 073, INDIA
Click here for details


13. IICM International Guest House 

Furnished, Air-conditioned Single Rooms or Suites are Available in our
IICM Int'l Guest House  in Tambaram, Chennai, India,
 for IICM Guests at a very reasonable rate,
with additional facilities such as access to Internet connection through computers,
TV, VCD/DVD Players, Telephone, Refrigerator, Washing Machine,
Microwave Oven, Roof Garden, Chapel with a seating capacity of 70 & a Conference Room
Click here for details


14. An AD. may be placed in our Monthly
Internet International Anointing Magazine

(Circulation Rate - nearly 500,000 Churches/Christian Organizations
 in more than 100 countries)
You may send your one page - A4 size multicolor ad. to be placed
in our International Internet Anointing Monthly magazine
circulated as mentioned above.

Ads will be placed by us in our Magazine for a very reasonable contribution of 
$100 if you live outside of India or Rs.1000, if you live in India
to get the word out about the details of your Ministries,
to get a positive response and to build a good relationship with several Ministries!


15. A Church near New York, in USA,
with a Parsonage, a Commercial Kitchen,
a Large Multi-Purpose Dining Hall,
Guest Rooms, Class Room, Chapel,
Office Rooms etc.
for Rent or Lease
(For a Week, Month or Year)
or for Sale

(Ideal for regular Weekly Worship Services or
for Summer Camps, Retreats, Conferences, Prayer Center,
Guest House or Office Space)

A rare opportunity to buy a large cathedral in good shape for a very low and affordable and mutually acceptable price or payment terms, with the following features :

A nice large main sanctuary with a seating capacity of 500 with genuine oak pews, dozens
   of large stain glass windows, carved wooden altar, pulpit and altar railings, high ceiling, 2
   vestries, an electric pipe organ, chairs for the choir members, a good PA system connected
   with Speakers, in the chapel in the ground floor with an additional seating capacity of
   200, foils behind the auditorium in the ground and in the first floor
• A large multipurpose hall with genuine polished oak floor with an open area of 10,000
    square feet
• A furnished carpeted classroom
• A large commercial kitchen with counters to the dining hall
• 3 guest rooms and a suite at the rear of the chapel
• A large office for the Pastor
• A parking lot at the rear of the church
• A large garage
• A parsonage with 4 bed rooms, insured for US $ 3,000,000 is offered for a takeover by a
    church  for a very reasonable amount that any one can afford to pay, for use as a church
    only. You may send an email for further details to iicm@aol.com 



16. A Retreat/Conference Center is available
 for Rent, Lease or Sale in INDIA
with multiple facilities  including a Guest House
 at the foot hills of Himalayas
in a scenic location near Dehradun,
which has easy access from Chandigarh in Punjab, INDIA
at a height of around 3000 feet
with nice weather.
Click here to view view the


17. Matrimonial
Looking for a Good Looking ,
American Born/Educated Bride,
a suitable Bridegroom in the age group of 35 to 40,
a well-educated, committed Christian, preferably from Full Gospel background.

Professionally Qualified or Highly Educated, and willing to settle down in New York,
with a Green Card (Immigrant Visa)
Interested and suitable Grooms may send their Bio-data and a photo by email to


Opportunities for Remunerative Ministry Opportunities in IICM Global Ministries
We would like you to indicate the areas of Ministries of IICM
in which you have interest in Networking or Participating with IICM Global Ministries:

One can offer themselves or Recommend someone to accept any of the following Ministry Opportunities

1. Getting Ordained___
2. Enrolling in one of the Degree Programs that we offer
3. Getting an Honorary Doctorate such as D.D., D.Min., Ph.D. etc.
4. Serving IICM as an Adjunct Faculty Member___
5. Getting your Bible College Accredited by us___
6. Getting your Ministry Affiliated by us___
7. Getting Consecrated as a Bishop to represent and serve IICM in your City,
or nominate a suitable Candidate ___

8. Getting Consecrated as an Arch- Bishop of IICM to represent and serve IICM in your State,
or nominate a suitable Candidate ___

9. Getting Consecrated as a Cardinal of IICM in your Country or nominate a suitable Candidate ___

While urging you to visit our website, we would like you to respond to the opportunities that we are giving to those in the ministry, all over the world,
to get involved in IICM Global Ministries, in one or more of the above ways.
It is important that you should be an Alumnus, a Current Student,
a Life Time Member or an Affiliate of IICM,
to take advantage of the opportunities that we provide.
If not you should become Life Time Member of IICM by making a one-time payment of U.S.$ 100,
sending your bio-data and a photo, indicating your area or areas of interest in Ministry

We will look forward to hearing from you.

God Bless
Patriarch (Rev. Dr.) John Williams

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