"Creativity is the Characteristic of
which has been imparted into Man at the time of Creation"
by Dr. John Williams
1. Creativity is God’s nature, ability,
skill, act, performance, way of doing things etc. etc.
•God created the sun, moon, earth, stars
and all the planets in the galaxy including the heaven and the earth
•God created man in his own image and after his likeness. God took some clay in
his hand, formed a man out of it and breathed into his nostrils His Spirit, when
he became a living soul.
•God created man with a body, mind and soul, and the soul consists of his
emotion, will and mind
•God also created woman but by pulling a rib from the chest of Adam and forming
•God created the Garden of Eden, a place where he let the first man and woman
•It is described in the Bible that God let Adam and Eve live in a beautiful
garden of Eden, through which he let 4 rivers flow: Euphrates, Tigris, Phishon &
•God created seas by dividing the water from the land
•God created all the other living creatures living in water, land and sky
•When God created the earth he also created the mountains, the valleys, deserts,
all the fruit yielding trees, shrubs and herbs, blossoming in due season with
colorful flowers
•God also created the earth and in the depths of the earth he caused mineral
ores to be deposited in large measures such as coal, oil and minerals such as
gold, platinum, silver, precious stones etc. which have multifarious uses and
•Underneath the surface of the earth, he has also created all kinds of
microscopic organisms which play a positive as well as a negative role
•God also created different kinds of vegetables and fruits in different regions
of the world where the weather conditions vary from season to season, which have
the ability to grow only in certain climatic conditions that prevail in places
near the equator and others in the cold regions of the world.
I am sure the information given in the above paragraphs will give a good idea as
to what creativity is. There is a plan, objective, goal as well as benefits to
the living beings and to the natural world, by
Causing rain, snow, mist, dew drops, thunder storm, lightening etc.
Through the examples given in the foregoing paragraphs we can see a wide range
of examples of the value and the effect of the initial acts of creativity of
2. God’ has imparted into man the same ability of creativity to imagine, design
and make a wide variety of things, using the substances available on the planet
earth, to build such as houses, bridges, vehicles for transportation, machinery
for producing a wide range of things which are practical for use and valuable to
display or to sell to make some profits.
3. How the world is today, is the result of mans creativity.
•Creativity of man has resulted in designing and production of all machinery
gadgets and things which make the life of men more comfortable, enjoyable,
entertaining, profitable, remunerative, and worthwhile in some way
•As we look back into our history we can see the improvements made
technologically, socially, culturally, economically and aesthetically which
includes the standard of living, the way of living, the way of dressing, the
kind of foods consumed etc.
•The history of the world reveals the progress gradually made through centuries
ever since the world was created through their standard of life and their
4. The changes in the beliefs and the ways of worship in different religions
Even though the basic beliefs and practices of various religions have remained
the same, the way of worship, the architecture of the temples and churches have
varied significantly over a period of time, and also the way of sacrifice, the
way of giving offering and even the way of worship have gradually changed
because of the new ideas (creativity) of the people who are responsible for
5. God created man in his own image and likeness, with same skills and abilities
to use his imagination and skill to rule the earth and keep every other living
creature on the planet earth under his control.
Further, he has given man the authority to exercise dominion over the whole
world which means literally to rule this earth by establishing kingdoms and
selecting, electing or becoming a ruler exercising his own power, influence etc.
II. Through the centuries the whole world has been under the rule of some king,
emperor, president etc.
Most of the kings inherited the kingdoms of the world to rule, but once they
became kings, they ruled the nations in their own creative way, not necessarily
following the general rule, accepted principles etc.
This principle of creativity could be seen in the kinds of castles they build
and live in, the kinds of clothes they wear, the army they develop to defend the
nation, rules they pass requiring the citizens to abide by them, determining and
enforcing the moral standards, the kinds of weapons of war used to fight their
In all the above mentioned examples we can see man’s creativity which is God’s
attribute imparted to man when he was created because the Bible says God created
man in his own image and after his likeness, to rule and exercise dominion over
the whole world.
In conclusion, without God’s quality of creativity, the life of human beings
will be very backward and the progress world has made through the years, will be
very insignificant.
Few scriptural references:
Create darkness, I create evil – Isaiah
Rejoice in that which I create – Isaiah 65-18
North and south created – Psalm 89 -12
People to be created shall praise – Psalm 102:10
Send us thy spirit in which they were created – Psalm 104-30
Commanded and they were created: Psalm 138-5
Who created all things Jesus Christ – Ephesians 3-9
After god is created in righteous: Ephesians 4-24
By him were all things created: Colossians 1-16
God created to be received: I Timothy 4-3
Created all things for thy pleasure: Revelation 4-11
Who has created these things: Isaiah 40-26
Holy one of Israel has created: Isaiah 41-20
I have created him for my glory: Isaiah 43-7
Lord has created a new thing: Jeremiah 31-22
After all one god healed us: Malachi 2-10
Man created for the woman: I Corinthians 11-9
Open ship created in Christ: Ephesians 2-10
Who created earth: Revelation 10:6
Creator of ends of the earth: Isaiah 40:28
Creature more than a creator: Romans 1-25
As to a faithful creator: I Peter 4:19
Creativity of Man living in the
world mentioned in the Bible
Noah made an ark with rooms, with lower, second and third storey. He housed in
that ark a pair of every living species to avoid any conflict between them.
The way the tabernacle was built in the wilderness reflects the creativity, and
the workmanship
involved in it.
The way God split the red sea for the Israelites to pass through the sea to
escape from the army of Egypt which was chasing them is a creative plan of God.
Turning the rod into a serpent before King Pharaoh, by Moses, indicates God’s
idea or creativity.
Bringing ten plagues upon the people of Egypt, to pour God’s wrath upon the
people of Egypt for persecuting Israelites, the children of God, was something
He came up with a creative plan which was successfully executed.
There are literally hundreds of examples in the Bible, which illustrate what
creativity or planning and executing the same.
There are hundreds of examples of acts and incidents which reflects God’s
creativity and execution of wide variety of plans and methods.
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