International Institute of Church Management Inc., FL/PA, U.S.A.
& IICM (Educational Trust) Chennai, INDIA

Divisions of IICM

IICM Theological College, Florida, U.S.A
IICM Bible College, Chennai, INDIA
International Institute of Church Management, U.S.A./India
(Church Management/Christian Leadership Training Program in USA
1 week - 6 months)
click here for details

(IICM is an Accredited International/Internet Bible College & Church Management Institute)
IICM Inc., 26 Regal Walk, Staten Island, New York 10303, U.S.A.
(IICM Regd. Educational Trust) in Chennai, INDIA

(with Branches, Extension Centers, Reps., Affiliates, Life Time Members, Students, Alumni, Adjunct Faculty Members, Ordinates etc., in over 100 countries all over the world)

International Website:

Email ID:, 

Founder/President of IICM: Patriarch (Rev. Dr.) John Williams


Accredited by AAATI
(American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, NC, U.S.A.)

A Certified Member of ACEA
(Apostolic Council of Educational Accountability, CO, U.S.A.)
A Member of NATA
(National Association for Theological Accreditation, Bangalore, INDIA)

(IICM has been ranked and rated as
No: 1 among 2.5 Million "Church Management Institutes
" in the World,
and as
No.4 among 13 Million "Internet Bible Courses"
 in the World according to Google Search Engine)

IICM is also listed as one of the
Top 25 Ministries
in the world
click here to view the Rating


The Article of the Month
click here "Time Management is GOD's Principle & Way
Dr. John Williams

December 1, 2007 - April 30, 2008

1. Monthly Pastors Seminar on Church Management
on 2nd Saturday. 11.00 am-1.00 pm
Place: Iselin, New Jersey, USA

(If you decide to attend, you should send an email, when we will give you the address & other details)

2. IICM Monthly Convocation Service
on Last Saturday- 10 am-1 pm
Place: Iselin, New Jersey, USA

(If you decide to attend, you should send an email,
when we will give you the address & other details)

3. Weekly Saturday Bible Study- 7.00 p.m.
Place: Iselin, New Jersey, USA

(If you decide to attend, you should send an email,
when we will give you the address & other details)

4. Weekly Sunday AM or PM Service
in a Local Church- as announced in the Tri-State Area of
New York/New Jersey & Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

(If you decide to attend, you should send an email,
when we will give you the address & other details)

5. TV Recording Program - 10 AM - 12 Noon
Place: Iselin, New Jersey, USA

(If you would like your Message, Song or Interview to be recorded for TV Broadcasting through website, please send us an email attaching your brief bio-data & photo,
to  schedule your recording time & date)

6. Personal visit to meet with us  9.00 AM - 1.00 PM
Place: Iselin, New Jersey, USA
(You may send us an email giving your USA telephone number,
 so that we can call you back and give you an appointment to meet with us)


1. Accredited Theological Degree Programs
(with a choice of  receiving the Degree from)
a. IICM Theological College, FL/USA 
 or   b. IICM Bible College, Chennai, INDIA

(through Internet or Correspondence)

B.Min., B.Th., B.D., B.B.S., B.C.M.(Church Management),  B.C.L. (Christian Leadership)

M.Min., M.Th., M.Div., M.Min., M.B.S., M.Missiology, M.C.M. (Church Management),
 M.C.L. (Christian Leadership)

D.Min., Th.D., D.D., Ph.D. (Biblical Studies) or (Missiology) or (Church Management)
or (Christian Leadership) or (Ministry)

The curriculum, the Areas of Specializations, and the List of Courses
to be completed for each degree
 is mentioned in our website (

We give students ample discretion to choose courses relevant to their needs and interests.

We also give credit to courses done already, in another Bible College

For further details and an Application Form you may write
to the following email ids,    or
click here to fill out the
Online Application Form

To enroll in any Degree Program you should complete and
send us an Application form by email and give a certain minimum contribution to IICM,
depending upon the degree in which you would like to enroll and the country you live in.

Details of minimum contributions to be paid for enrolling
 in one of the two Bible Colleges
a. IICM Theological College, FL/USA
b. IICM Bible College, Chennai, INDIA
are given in our website, under the section "Academics/Catalog.

The difference in enrolling in our Bible College (a) or (b)
 will be in the following areas:
1. The amount of Contribution to be paid
2. The
curriculum of the Degree Programs & the Books assigned for additional Readings and References
3. The
name of the Bible College that will issue the Degree Certificate:
     a. IICM Bible College, Chennai, INDIA
     b. IICM Theological College, FL/USA

2. Ordaining Pastors & Consecrating Bishops, Arch Bishops and Cardinals
Details are given in our website, which you can see by clicking here
If you are interested in being Ordained or Consecrated, you may send your bio-data and photo to the following email ids.:,

3. Conferring Honorary Doctorates such as the following
D.D., D.Litt., D.C.L., D.Hum., D.Ltts., LL.D.,
D.B.S., Ph.D. (Biblical Studies)
Nominations/Recommendations and Application may be sent by email to us
along with a bio-data and a photo to the following email ids.:,

4. IICM - Monthly Internet Anointing Magazine
This will be sent to you freely every month, if you are a Life Time Member of IICM,
by virtue of your status as  a student of IICM or if you have made a one time contribution of U.S. $ 100.
Your status as a Student of IICM or a Life Time Member of IICM
will give you the privilege of placing a One Page Multicolored Ad.
in our website which is circulated to more than 500,000 Churches around the world.

5. T.V. Programs of IICM
(for Broadcasting through our Website)
T.V. Programs will be recorded in our Studio in NY/NJ, U.S.A., daily as scheduled. If you are interested in getting your message, song, testimony or interview recorded you should send your bio-data, email id and
website to the following email ids. for scheduling your program,

6. International Pastors Conferences & Seminars
International Pastors Conferences & Seminars will be conducted in various Cities of India, U.S.A. & other Countries, throughout the year, details of which will be published in our Internet Anointing Magazine and posted on the homepage of our websites (Int'l: & India:

7. Affiliation of Churches, Bible Colleges  & Ministries with IICM
If you would like to Affiliate your Bible College, Church or Ministry with IICM,
you should send your bio-data & photo with full details of your ministry
to the following email ids:,
and when we approve, you should pay an Annual Contribution to IICM
as indicated by us.

8. Participation in IICM Global Ministry
If you would like to participate in the ministries of IICM,
you have two opportunities right now, regardless of, in what country you are living now

a. Serve as a Rep. of IICM to recruit students, for which service up to 10% of the contributions received from the students for your service and support for your ministry

b. Serve as the
Director of an IICM Extension Centers in your own city/country & offer all or some of the Degree Courses that we offer, as an Internet, Correspondence or on Campus Program either in English or in your local language.
Please click the links given below for further details to operate an IICM Campus in your city and country.
  India                     Neighboring countries               First World Countries                Third World Countries

i. Adopting our curriculum, following our guidelines, policies, procedures and rules,
ii. Adopting our fee structures by proposed by you and approved by us
iii. By giving certain percentage of the revenue as a Franchise fees or royalty to IICM
iv. Strictly following all the other guidelines given in our website
v. Recruiting students and admitting them
vi. Maintaining student records
vii. Administering tests
viii. Grading the tests
ix. Reporting to IICM head office when students complete all the requirements for the degrees
x. Conducting a Graduation Service and awarding Degree Certificates prepared, signed and sent from the head office of IICM through the national, regional, state or city Rep. of IICM for your center

If you are interested in serving IICM in one of these two capacities, please send your bio-data and a photo by email to the following email ids., to enter into a Franchise Agreement.

9. Networking and Participation with IICM Global Ministries
Since the IICM International/Internet Bible College and Global Ministries are expanding all over the world at a rapid pace, we request interested Churches, Christian Organizations and Pastors to Network and Partner with us for carrying out God given ministries globally in one of the following ways:
a. Serving as a Partner of IICM
b. Serving as an International Director of Advisor on our International Board
c. By Participating as a Speaker in our ministries and programs either in USA or in India
or any where in the world.
Please review our website to get well acquainted with our current ministries and indicate to us
 as to how you would like to Network and Partnership with the ministries of IICM.

10.  Special Revival & Anointing Service for 1-3 days in your Church
 We will be very happy to visit your Church and minister in Revival and Anointing Services for the Anointing of the Holy Spirit to flow in a very special way and for the revival to breakout and spread resulting in more souls being added to your church.

Please send us an email (, indicating your interest in these kinds of services being conducted by us in your church, suggesting some specific dates and giving the address of your Church.

You may view some of the video clippings pasted below to get an idea about the kinds of services we have had in more than 100 key cities of the world in over 50 countries during the last 30 years.

Video Clippings

1. Meghalaya, India 01.00 Minute
2. Honduras 03.19 Minutes
3. Germany 02.11 Minutes
4. Ireland 01.54 Minutes
5. Bahrain 02.31 Minutes
6. Around the World 40.00 Minutes

 11. Invitation to Minister in India
for 1 or 2 Weeks with full Sponsorship
We will be happy to sponsor a Pastor of a Church in USA,
to minister in India for 1 or 2 weeks at a mutually convenient time,
if you have a special interest and burden for India.
If you are interested, please send us an email to ( ;
giving details of your website.

12. Available for Preaching in the Tri-State Area of NJ/NY/PA, U.S.A.
Rev. Dr. John Williams is available to Preach in any Church
in the Tri-State area of NY, NJ and PA, U.S.A.,
during January 1-April 30, 2008. You may visit our website for information
about our ministries around the world for over 25 years.
If you are interested, you may send an email
suggesting some alternative days and time slot
(, )

13. Your Full Page Color Advertisements in our Internet Anointing Magazine
You may also give an Ad. about your Ministry etc. in our "Anointing Magazine"
which is circulated to nearly 600,000 Pastors & Christian Leaders around the world,
for giving a contribution of U.S.$ 100, which will also entitle to have a Life Time
membership in IICM, to take advantage of other services and privileges.
Send your multi-color Ads to

14. A Large Church (Cathedral)
Near New York City

A Cathedral in the second floor  with a Pipe Organ, Stained Glass Windows, Oak wood Pews, Balcony with more Pews, Church Bell, PA System, Two Vestries, Carved Wooden Altar, Railings, Pulpit and a Podium, fully carpeted with a nice Lobby led by two sets of Staircases from the lower lobby where the main entrance to church is located on the Front side of the Church facing the road & a Parsonage surrounded by Lawn, Trees & Shrubs with a 2 car Garage


(with a Foyer, Living Room, Family Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Laundry,  Half Bath, in the First Floor and in the Second Floor there are 3 Large Bedrooms, an Office, one Full Bath, a Store Room and a Stairway leading to the Attic with 1 finished bedroom 
and 3 partially finished bedrooms)


 with additional infrastructure in the first floor
consisting of Five Nice Office Rooms, Fully carpeted Chapel
 (with a seating capacity of 150 with padded chairs)
with an altar, small stage and a podium with a circular balcony with lounges on both sides and
6 rooms with a gallery type of seating facing the chapel  a large commercial kitchen
with commercial appliances and cabinets with 3 baths, a class rooms with chairs for 30
(Right now this entire dining hall is partitioned temporarily and
divided into a visitors lounge, A Christian Book Center, A Library, A Gym & a Game Room,
A TV/Video Recording studio, A Video Editing Center,
A Video Library, A Dining Hall,  A Lounge Area)

A fenced parking lot

 to park at least 30 cars with more open space behind the parking lot to park even 100 cars
The Church is located
within 2 hours driving time from New York city,
near 81 after driving from New York on route 80 near the border of NJ and PA
 in a very scenic and healthy area of Wyoming Valley
near the Cities of Kingston/ Wilkes Barre, PA

For incredibly low price for those who are genuinely interested in using it
exclusively for a Church/Ministry. Owner financing is a possible.
Click here to view some photos of the Church
Interested parties may contact us for further details by sending an email to

15. Investment Opportunities in USA for generating revenue for Ministry!!!

16. Fund Raising

IICM has not done any fund raising during the last 30 years
of the ministries of IICM around the world.
Since our ministry is expanding & growing at a rapid pace
we shall be very thankful, if some big Churches or large Ministries
with large financial resources would contribute amounts as specified below,
for specific ministry projects, in which the funds will be utilized.

1. Scholarship Fund-Hundreds of Students who have indicated interest in enrolling in a Theological Degree Program in our Bible College, from several 3rd world countries, never enrolled and commenced their studies because of the lack of funds to send us the fees to join our Bible College.

a. A contribution of
U.S.$300 is needed to provide Theological Education for an Evangelist or a Pastor in a 3rd world country. We would like to provide scholarship for at least 1000 Pastors to do their Bachelors Degree program in our Bible College.

a. A contribution of
U.S.$600 is needed to provide Theological Education for an Evangelist or a Pastor in a 3rd world country. We would like to provide scholarship for at least 500 Pastors to do their Masters Degree program in our Bible College.

a. A contribution of
U.S.$1200 is needed to provide Theological Education for an Evangelist or a Pastor in a 3rd world country. We would like to provide scholarship for at least 250 Pastors to do their Doctoral Degree program in our Bible College.

We would appreciate it very much if you will provide scholarship funds to the extent possible to provide Theological Education and Training for Pastors in 3rd world countries.
You may send us an email to;
indicating your interest in providing scholarship funds.

2. We need funds to
Print Text Books authored by us, which are used in our Bible School Curriculum.
To print one book (1000 copies), in India, it costs
U.S.$500. We have to print 20 Textbooks. Any contribution made towards the printing of our Bible College Textbooks will be very much appreciated, and you may send an email to; and let us know to what extent you can support this Ministry Project.

3. To conduct a 3 Day Church Management and Christian Leadership Training Program in India for 100 Pastors and Evangelists, it will cost us U.S.$30 per head. Therefore to conduct one day Leadership and Management Training Program for 100 Pastors and Evangelists in India, it will cost U.S.$3000. We would like to conduct these Training Programs at least once every month in the year of 2008. We would appreciate if you can sponsor one or more of such Training Programs by sending an email to; first and sending the funds later as per our advise.

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