IICM Alumni Association Inauguration

It is something that is long due but we have not formally organized the Alumni Association of IICM,
listing the names, designations and the addresses of the Graduates of IICM,
during the last 20 plus years, in a systematic and a formal way. 

Very soon there will be a section titled Alumni of IICM, giving some information and the photo of
every Alumnus of IICM, from the time IICM was established.

We desperately need the services of qualified, experienced and those who have closely associated with IICM,
 for filling the new positions which open up frequently because of our fast growth and
for participating in the International ministries of IICM, as speakers in our Conferences and Training Sessions around the world, and as our Adjunct Faculty, Rep., or Directors of IICM Extension Centers. 
Our goal is to have one center in every important city in India and around the world. 

We look forward to hearing from you, if by chance your name, photo or write up,
is missing in the list of Alumni in our websites, please write us so that we can update our lists.
All correspondence should be addressed directly to